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Fetch search data V2

Fetch filtered search data result.

Request Body required

Describes requested filter options and search text.

  • limit integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 10000

    Number of documents to return, up to 10 000 is allowed.

  • after string

    Token for pagination

  • includeFilterMatches boolean

    Shows which fields matched with which search values. This is listed in matches in response body. Defaults to false if not specified.

  • sortBy object[]

    Sort array containing direction and field. Sort order is done following the order in the array, i.e. the first object in the array will be sorted first.

  • direction string required

    Possible values: [asc, desc, ascending, descending]

    All available sort directions.

  • field object required

  • string

    Possible values: [iotSubscription.iotSubscriptionId, iotSubscription.subscriptionType, iotSubscription.domainId, iotSubscription.inServiceDate, iotSubscription.lastModifiedAt, euiccs.eid, euiccs.enabledProfile, euiccs.bootstrapProfile, profiles.iccid, profiles.servicePolicyId, profiles.profileType, profiles.cmp, profiles.isEnabled,,,,, servicePolicies.type, connectivitySubscriptions.imsi, connectivitySubscriptions.iccid, connectivitySubscriptions.msisdn, connectivitySubscriptions.mode, connectivitySubscriptions.firstActivationDate, connectivitySubscriptions.trmExitedAt, connectivitySubscriptions.servicePolicyId]

    All available searchable fields.

  • returnFields object[]

    Fields in document that should be returned. If not specified entire document will be returned.


  • string

    Possible values: [iotSubscription.iotSubscriptionId, iotSubscription.subscriptionType, iotSubscription.domainId, iotSubscription.inServiceDate, iotSubscription.lastModifiedAt, euiccs.eid, euiccs.enabledProfile, euiccs.bootstrapProfile, profiles.iccid, profiles.servicePolicyId, profiles.profileType, profiles.cmp, profiles.isEnabled,,,,, servicePolicies.type, connectivitySubscriptions.imsi, connectivitySubscriptions.iccid, connectivitySubscriptions.msisdn, connectivitySubscriptions.mode, connectivitySubscriptions.firstActivationDate, connectivitySubscriptions.trmExitedAt, connectivitySubscriptions.servicePolicyId]

    All available searchable fields.

  • filters object[]

    It is possible to add any number of filters. All filter objects are joined by AND relationships to each other.


  • fields object[] required

    Possible values: >= 1


  • string

    Possible values: [iotSubscription.iotSubscriptionId, iotSubscription.subscriptionType, iotSubscription.domainId, iotSubscription.inServiceDate, iotSubscription.lastModifiedAt, euiccs.eid, euiccs.enabledProfile, euiccs.bootstrapProfile, profiles.iccid, profiles.servicePolicyId, profiles.profileType, profiles.cmp, profiles.isEnabled,,,,, servicePolicies.type, connectivitySubscriptions.imsi, connectivitySubscriptions.iccid, connectivitySubscriptions.msisdn, connectivitySubscriptions.mode, connectivitySubscriptions.firstActivationDate, connectivitySubscriptions.trmExitedAt, connectivitySubscriptions.servicePolicyId]

    All available searchable fields.

  • type string required

    Possible values: [equals]

  • values string[] required

Returns up to 10k IoT subscriptions.

  • pagination object
  • totalHits integer

    Total number of hits with these filter options.

  • next string

    Used for pagination based on limit and after parameter in request. Shows what after parameter should be set to get next items.

  • items object[]

    Items array containing filtered requested data.

  • iotSubscription object

    Properties for an IoT Subscription. The IoT Subscription is the resource which contains other resources, such as eUICCs and profiles.

  • iotSubscriptionId string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^97[23456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ]{16}$

    IoT Subscription ID.

  • domainId string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^([A-Za-z0-9]{8}-){0,6}[A-Za-z0-9]{8}$

    Domain the resource belongs to. Used to determine which users have access to the resource.

  • subscriptionType string

    Possible values: [IOT_CONNECT]

  • inServiceDate date

    Specifies when the IoT subscription was provisioned.

  • metadata object
  • lastModifiedAt date-time
  • connectivitySubscriptions object[]

    All connectivity subscriptions belonging to this IoT subscription.

  • imsi string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]{6,15}$

    International Mobile Subscriber Identity. Uniquely identifies a subscriber in the mobile network.

  • iccid string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^89[0-9]{16,18}$

    Integrated Circuit Card ID. Uniquely identifies a UICC (SIM card) or an eUICC profile.

  • msisdn string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]{5,15}$

    Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number. This is equivalent to the phone number, including the country code.

  • servicePolicyId string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^22[A-HJ-NP-Z2-9]{6}$

    Identifies the service policy.

  • mode string


    The mode of the connectivity subscription.

  • firstActivationDate date-time

    Date and time when the connectivity subscription was first set to ACTIVE mode in the underlying Connectivity Management Platform (CMP).

  • trmExitedAt date-time

    Date and time when the connectivity subscription exited Test Ready Mode (TRM). Null value means that TRM has not been exited. This can mean that the connectivity subscription is still in TRM but it will also be null if the connectivity has never been in TRM. This means that this value cannot be used to determine whether a connectivity subscription is in TRM, only if it has exited TRM.

  • euiccs object[]

    An eUICC always belongs to one IoT subscription. The eUICC can have one or more profiles and connectivity subscriptions.

  • eid string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9]{32}$

    Uniquely identifies an eUICC (eSIM).

  • enabledProfile string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^89[0-9]{16,18}$

    ICCID of the currently enabled profile.

  • bootstrapProfile string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^89[0-9]{16,18}$

    ICCID of the bootstrap profile, i.e. the profile that was first enabled on this eUICC.

  • profiles object[]

    All profiles belonging to this IoT subscription.

  • iccid string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^89[0-9]{16,18}$

    Integrated Circuit Card ID. Uniquely identifies a UICC (SIM card) or an eUICC profile.

  • profileType string

    Possible values: [SIM_PROFILE, VIRTUAL_PROFILE]

    Specifies the type of profile. SIM_PROFILE means the profile resides on a UICC. VIRTUAL_PROFILE means the profile resides on an eUICC.

  • isEnabled boolean

    True if this is the currently enabled profile on an eUICC or if this a UICC. False if this is a disabled profile on an eUICC.

  • cmp string

    Possible values: [IOTA_EU, DATORA_BR]

    The profile's CMP (Connectivity Management Platform) determines which underlying connectivity platform the profile belongs to and determines what kind of data is available for the profile and its connectivity subscription.

  • connectivityProfile object
  • id string
  • name string
  • servicePolicies object[]

    Array of objects containing service policy properties.

  • id string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^22[A-HJ-NP-Z2-9]{6}$

    Identifies the service policy.

  • name string

    Possible values: <= 256 characters

    Name of the service policy.

  • type string


    Specifies the underlying service policy type in the Connectivity Management Platform (CMP).

  • filterMatches object

    Matched fields and hits from filter search. This is only visible if includeFilterMatches is set to true in request.

  • type
  • description
  • items object

    Object containing matched value and number of hits.

  • value string
  • hits integer